Nexum Terra (NexT) (2007-2010)

Project that I started with Mikko Tiusanen. I ended up being the Project leader (and almost everything else during the project). We had over 50 people in the project at one time. Ask for more details on this interesting project.
Here are some of the latest pictures of the area I've created later to the game world.

Picture 1. Hangar from the outside.

Picture 2. Hangar from the inside.

Picture 3. Big lift shaft to floors below the ground level.

Picture 4. Guard post on the elevator entryway.


 Picture 5. Sleeping quarters.

Picture 6. Floor for living - view from above.

Picture 7. Officer on duty.

Picture 8. Empty corridor.


Picture 9. Props database - picture 1

Picture 10. Props database - picture 2

Picture 11. Props database - picture 3